Dream Achievers Youth Organization (DAYO) and Sauti Ya Wanawake Pwani (SYWP), through Women Empowerment and Education for Sexual Health Advocacy (WEZESHA) Project, is Implementing a 3 years Project Funded by Global Affair Canada through Aga Khan Foundation that seeks to reduce gender and social barriers to utilization, uptake of education, early childhood development and other sustainable development services for women, adolescents, girls and young persons, men and boys in Mombasa and Kilifi Counties. Additionally this project adds a leaf in strengthening of community structures and the capacities of duty bearers and rights holders to enhance response to gender-based violations and facilitate access to SRHR information and services by project beneficiaries.

The proposed interventions aim at:

Building agency: Which entails confidence of individuals to “Know and understand self” through safe spaces, resulting in knowledge on their rights and a voice to speak out/collective action on their life choices on GBV mitigation and SRHR rights.

Lobby community support: Pulling together in solidarity with the community especially men and boys to facilitate a conducive environment to demand for a safe and secure environment where the rights of women, AG and YP are prioritized, respected and protected.

Build government Capacity: Mobilising community gatekeepers (men) and government actors in ensuring implementation of laws and policies, and provision of services to address GBV /SRHR while changing community behaviour and attitudes that perpetuate rights violations among women, AG and YP.

Project Approach and innovation.

The project will incorporate innovation the use of the Dance 4 Life model, an Evidence Based Approach that incorporates music, participatory theater, experience sharing and Dance to sensitize young people on SRHR and GBV. The integration of recording short videos and theater performances. Leveraging new media: Facebook live, twitter & What’s app to ensure a wider reach. The aforementioned will go a long way to raise awareness on the challenges affecting girls and women and advocate for transformative approaches to advance women and girls’ rights in Kilifi and Mombasa.

The project also aims at leveraging on an existing Sauti Ya Wanawake GBV reporting hotline/SAVYU app (send alert for individuals in distress for response) that has and will facilitate in case reporting, referral and access to justice. The hotline will also provide information and referral for SRHR services for girls and women. Based on previous records, it is postulated that this will increase uptake of services by project beneficiaries as well as access to information, thus empowering girls and women to make informed decisions about their sexual reproductive health.

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